Welcome to Royal Sky Holidays
Welcome to Royal Sky Holidays

Customer Testimonials

What our clients say

  • Best For Family!

    Really enjoyed this trip, really got to experience snow fall! Was a fantastic trip! Thrilling, exciting and completely fun!

    Mr. Govind & His Mother
  • Best Honeymoon Trip

    Really excited and thrilled for this trip! Was a fantastic trip, really recommend everyone to visit Manali with Royalsky!

    Sarah Lopez
  • Really Worth It

    We are a newly wed couple and  this group tour was fantastic, a well planned and joy-filled experience. The package was really supportive and truly gave us both an everlasting memory!

    Mr Amal & Wife Lena
  • Best Trip!

    Joined the trip after watching Harees-ka’s videos, totally impressed by the fact that he joined on our group tour! Really enjoyed the trip!

    Mr Ahammed Sherif
  • Friendly Vibe!

    A fantastic trip with nice funny and lovely guides, who took care of the whole family. This has been the best tour of all, now we know why they call it Amazing Thailand.

    Dr. Vijayan & Family